Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(Not Quite Wordless) Wednesday: Earth, Green Up!

And God said: Let there be color.  Okay, so those weren't exactly his words.

God spoke: "Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants, 
Every sort of fruit-bearing tree."  And there it was.        
Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties, 
And fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. 
God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:11-13 (from The Message)

I loved the words, "Earth, green up!" in this 'contemporary language' version of this verse.

What a gift spring is with new color breaking through....

The flowerers....

The wetlands....

The conifers....

Even with the absence of color, God's artistic hand is there....

Now get outside and enjoy it.

                 Mrs. Mama Hen, Love that Shot


  1. Love the colors and composition. Beautiful shots.

  2. Oh wow, I can only assume the J is you, Momma J. Your photopraphy is amazing! Truely breath taking!

  3. WOW! These photos take my breath away. Great work. I love them all! Thanks so much for sharing these for my spring photo challenge. I hope you'll play along with the summer one to be announced in a few days. I'm teaming up with live and love out loud. Thanks again!


  4. I love the conifers! They look like pink pine cones. Beautiful photos.

  5. Beautiful photos! Love the pink conifers!
