
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowflake Window Clings

The Blizzard is coming..... the blizzard is coming!

That is all I have heard for a few days now.  As we prepare to batten down the hatches here, are you snowed in?  No school?

Here's a great project for the kids.....

Snowflake window clings.

(Now for those that live where I do.... go run out and buy your puffy fabric paint before the blizzard hits!)

Here's how to do it:

Take a large freezer bag and cut off all four sides.

Place a drawing, or a printed template of a snowflake under the freezer bag and tape both down to the table.

We used both a plain white puffy fabric paint and a metallic.  Both worked great.

Outline with puffy paint.

The thicker the line, the easier it will hold together when pulling off the bag later.

Air dry for 24 hours.

 Peel slowly and carefully off of the bag and stick to the window.

When ready to take down, re-stick it to the freezer bags and save for next year.


  1. Oh my, how darling! I am filing this away for next winter!!!!!!!

  2. Smart idea and lots of fun

  3. making this weekend for sure!!!! thanks!

  4. Thanks so much for this idea! I just modified it to make leprechaun foot prints. My boys had a blast discovering the mayhem that was caused by those tricky leprechauns.

  5. Just letting you know I linked to this post in my Snowflake Unit Study

    1. Wow! What an incredible collection of snowflake ideas! I'll have to use some of these in my homeschool. Thanks for the link up! :)

  6. Oh, we've got to try this! Thanks so much for sharing. I have a relative who loves snowflakes. She might like a set of these as a Christmas gift. Blessings!

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